A lot of unsigned artist talk about the glitz and glam of what they are doing and where they have been without being able to show and prove. NY branch Commission artist Tito Montana talks what he lives. He is making major moves with his team Final Score ENT and CEO of HB Nena recently had the chance to sit down and get a further look into his life and his crawl to the top!! Tito Montana has lived the street life and is using what he learned to better his life as well as that of his Final Score member and protege D. Weathers who is also making major moves in the underground music industry.
The name Tito Montana was a nickname given to the artist from the move "Scarface" (Tony Montana). Rayheim Drayton did not want to use Tony so he took Tito. When he got out of the game, he decided that he did not want to glorify the lifestyle so he gave Montana a meaning (Moving On New Territory Acquiring Nobody's Approval). When you hear Tito's music you get a glimpse of reality. And his ability to entertain and be real leaves anyone that is apart of his show astounded. Final Score was brought together while Rayheim was incarcerated from his past lifestyle. He had sights on what could build a brand and take the music game by storm. Unfortunately , all the original guys aren't apart of Final Score today but, Tito wishes them much success in their future ventures.
This is the fourth quarter in the music industry. Final Score have made many moves with in the last year to leave the fourth quarter looking like the take over. He has opened up for the likes of Lloyd Banks, Mario, J. Cole, Fabolous, Juelz Santana, Tierre Marie, Donny(from making the band) and many more. Recently, Final Sore signed a girl by the name of Alissa. She is the teams "secret weapon". Tito believes with some grooming and a little guidance she will definitely leave her footprint in the industry. In October Final Score left their mark in North Carolina with a 7 city tour including Raleigh, Fayetteville, Chapel Hill and Winston Salem.
"It was an indescribable feeling. I would like to think the Ladies of Hustle Bang because without them it wouldn't be possible. And shout out to Fayetteville State and their Bronco Radio"
There were 2000 cd's and over 500 posters left in NC with that Tour. He also made that trip for the opening of the Fayetteville State basketball season, where most of the crowd were rockin "Break It Down" tshirts in honor of the Tito Montana video that was recently released. You can view the video on the right hand side of the HB Blog spot screen. We the ladies of HB definitely promote this video and would like to shout out Tommy S. for the outstanding production of the hit video.
Tito Montana is definitely leaving his mark. He will be remembered for being someone who cares, a great father, and a guy with much determination as a go getta. Not only does he put in work with his Label but, he is always willing to help with charities, working and mentoring others and striving to make Poughkeepsie, NY better.
Q: Thanks for taking time to do this interview with me. Any last words?
A: Shout out H.U.S.T.L.E?B.A.N.G!, 845, Poughkeepsie, Final Score Entertainment, Boss Chandler, 25/8, My Commission Family and R.I.P to my mother!!!
Make sure to download "County, State, & Fed Time" from Datpiff. Also be on the look out for Part II. To stay in contact with Tito Montana and follow his road to the top:
Twitter: @Iam_TitoMontana
Facebook: facebook.com/TheRealTitoMontana